Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Ban Mind Control From The World - For God's Sake !!!


You mean you still didn't get why Mind Control is a Banned Concept Sir ?

Please allow me to have a few reasons in there, if we are still not sure of it..

Mind control as a concept needs to be banned primarily because, the human race needs to live a free and fare life back in this world ..Right Sir!!

And also...

1. Because of standards and values as set by Civilization, Society and Humanity including Science and Technology standards (Inc. Nuremberg Code and FCC Rules and Regulations etc)

2. Becuase of the Health Rules and Regulations of the world like HHS Rules and Regulations etc..

3. Be use of Civil Rules and Regulations, Legal Rules and Regulations, Constitutional Rules and Regulations and Human Rights and Humanitarian Regulations .

(as ensured by Civil Rights and Liberties, Legal Rights, Constitutional Rights, Fundamental Rights, Political Rights and Jurisdictional Rights etc.)

4. Becuase of The Laws of the land and the Constitution of the country as a whole ,the Code of Conduct of the chair and the Code of Ethics of the office .

5. Because of the The Principles of Freedom and Liberty ,Of Justice and Equality ,Of Privacy and Dignity and all.

6. Beacuse of UN Charter of Human Rights and CAT conventions and ICL and IHL factors of the world, and the Rome Statute , and all such things that are universally accepted as the standards and norms to RESPECT, OBEY and HONOR .

7. Because of UNIDIR, that had declared Mind Control Weapons Potential Weapon of Mass Destruction .

8. Because of Human Subject Protection Act and International Torture Victim Protection Act etc.

9. Because of Laws like Michigan Law and other Electromagnetic weapon Laws and Gang Stalking Laws of different states.

10, Because of Landmark Verdicts and Trials like Nuremberg Trial, Church Trial ,MKULTRA Senate Trial etc.

We get the to evaluate the activity as dead illegal,criminal and unconstitutional and the mechanism adopted as deadly and dangerous, that results in an inhuman, cruel and degrading torture, crime and even murder /assasination of some helpless victims who were painfully suffering for years .

And, last, but not the least,

12. Because of all the victim protest S and activism , and whistle-blower disclosures, and the million voices put together,

who were resilient enough to stand up for the cause, challenging all such authorties, and all such processes, and the TRANSPERANCY and ACCOUNTABILITY involved in each step.

What do you think guys ??

What is Psychotronic Torture /Mind Control


Illuminati News |

What is Mind Control/ Psychotronic Torture?


Category: What is Mind Control?
Published here: Tuesday, September 09, 2008, 06:10 AM
Last Updated or Revised: 
Tuesday, September 09, 2008 06:16 AM

Deb Chakraborty

Deb Chakraborty

The term “Mind control” basically means covert attempts to influence the thoughts and behavior of human beings against their will (or without their knowledge), particularly when surveillance of an individual is used as an integral part of such influencing and the term “Psychotronic Torture” comes from psycho (of psychological) and electronic. This is actually a very sophisticated form of remote technological torture that slowly invalidates and incapacitates a person. These invisible and non-traceable technological assaults on human beings are done in order to destroy someone psychologically and physiologically.

Actually, as par scientific resources, the human body, much like a computer, contains myriad data processors. They include, but are not limited to, the chemical-electrical activity of the brain, heart, and peripheral nervous system, the signals sent from the cortex region of the brain to other parts of our body, the tiny hair cells in the inner ear that process auditory signals, and the light-sensitive retina and cornea of the eye that process visual activity.[2] We are on the threshold of an era in which these data processors of the human body may be manipulated or debilitated. Examples of unplanned attacks on the body's data-processing capability are well-documented.

An entirely new arsenal of weapons, based on devices designed to introduce subliminal messages or to alter the body's psychological and data-processing capabilities, might be used to incapacitate individuals. These weapons aim to control or alter the psyche, or to attack the various sensory and data-processing systems of the human organism. In both cases, the goal is to confuse or destroy the signals that normally keep the body in equilibrium.
Definition of psychotronic (psycho-physical) weapons.
Psychotronic Weapons (PF- weapons) this is the totality of all possible methods and means (techno-genic, suggestive, pharmacological, paranormal, complexes, and others) of hidden, forced influences on the psyche of a person for the purpose of modifying his consciousness, behavior and health for what is desired in the way of influencing aspects of control..." This is not only dangerous, this is deadly!"
Actually, the goal of mind control is to access those areas of the brain that are outside of the conscious control of the individual by circumventing the normal inhibiting response of the cerebral cortex: “an individual’s voluntary conscious self-control must be bypassed or short-circuited.” This unconscious coercion is done through electromagnetic-wave bombardment of the brain, .i.e. bombarding of the brain with low-frequency radio waves. These airborne waves can travel over distances and are known to change the behavior of animals and humans in their path. Such remote control makes possible potentially frightening uses for altering the brain’s functioning. These are invisible and deadly waves. This waves goes directly to the subconscious parts of the human brain for receiving or transcoding the messages and without the person exposed to such influence having a chance to control the information input consciously. This can alter a person thoughts, emotions, and behavior. To achieve truly lasting mind control requires the creation of “profound and deep emotional states.” Recommended are fear, shock and anxiety, which have “an intense disinhibitive effect on the human brain.” What this means, in essence, is that emotional trauma facilitates the accessing of dissociative states. In order to disable the brain’s "cortical block," Verdier recommends alcohol, euphoric drugs, isolation, solitary confinement, and - "the most dramatic and unique item in the brainwashing arsenal" - hypnosis. All of these are methods that have been extensively tested by the CIA under the rubric of the MK-ULTRA program.

The technology is rooted in surveillance devices, such as audio and video bugs, through-the-wall and remote sensing devices, and biosensors both remote and implanted.  This provides the feedback for the influencing, as well as any ``entertainment'' value for voyeur/sadists and intellectual property theft for thieves.  Coupled with the surveillance is some sort of "effectors'' or feedback path for influencing an individual. 

Thus there are several categories of mind control operations, for example covert drugging, hypnosis and trauma conditioning, one-shot EM-type brain blasting, short-term mind fucks, and ongoing feedback control setups for long-term torture and exploitation of victims, to mention a few.  What they have in common is the attack against the mind of the victim, as well as the deniable and denied nature of the attack.  The exact means being used in any particular case are beside the point here.  These techniques do not just violate one or two of what everyone knows are fundamental human rights:  In one fell swoop they violate almost every fundamental human right a person has.

The electromagnetic technology works on the theory that the mind and body are an electromagnetically mediated biophysics system and the electromagnetic signals form outside sources can mimic the mind and body's electromagnetic signals and therefore a weapon can be developed based on these principles.

There is evidence that since the 1950's the U.S. and other government have been developing electromagnetic weapons which can remotely target the electromagnetic system of the human body for military and intelligence purposes.

The First phase is the harassment/surveillance program
During the first phase of this Govt. program a person is broken physically and mentally. The methods used are typical CIA and FBI tactics like Cointelpro tactics. They use Echelon, Tempest, microchips, implants, see through wall radar, obtain informants, neighbors, and co-conspirators to harass, discredit, and harm an individual. Victims loose their families, jobs, homes, and cars. Ultimate goal to destroy a persons life which will isolate them from family, friends. The isolation is needed to have access to the person to conduct many of the experiments on them. All privacy and constitutional rights are thus stripped away.

The second phase is the assaults of Directed Energy Weapons.
After a victim becomes isolated from everyone in the world. The victim now having feelings of regret, remorse, of loss, trauma, and are drained and broken emotionally and physically. During this time many have been implanted with microchips. Many begin experiencing extreme pain to their head. Some hear voices. Then pain is delivered to various other parts of their bodies. The pain is delivered by Directed Energy Weapons. No one sees anyone around them causing the pain and no one is touching them. It is an invisible energy force. Along with drugs being administered by the scientist through either a drip system which!has been inserted into an individual, food tampering, or injection all without the victims permission. Then Mind Entrainment begins.

Directed Energy Weapons
Some of the weapons were known as non-lethal weapons. They use such weapons as extremely low frequency Elf electromagnetic weapons (which has been used in mind control), acoustics, harmonics (which have been used as a mind control technique), ultrasound, microwave audiograms, microwave pulsed, and radio frequency. Another electromagnetic energy beam can be used to induce "considerable agitation and muscular activity" or "induce muscular weakness and lethargy" this weapon is know as Ultra High Frequency EM.

Psychological warfare tactics are being used against unsuspecting citizens to destroy their jobs, their families and their lives. The perpetrators will stop at nothing. Their objective is to utterly destroy a person, very often resulting in a person taking his or her own life, or ending up in a mental hospital. This has been taking place for years and nothing is ever said about it. Nothing is ever written about it. For the sake of those who came before us, and those who come after us, the world needs to know what is happening.

For many people, this comes out of nowhere. They don't know whose toes they stepped on in order to warrant such a brutal attack. For others who are whistleblowers, they know full well how they garnered such attention. For some, they don't even realize that they are the targets of an orchestrated attack to destroy their lives. Some of it can be so subtle that it is difficult to tell. But for others, the attacks can be blatant and obvious, leaving no doubt that something unspeakable and devastating is happening.

What makes this crime so heinous is that the most sophisticated techniques of psychological warfare are employed against a person in order to make them look like they are crazy. Friends and family members don't believe the things that are happening and often believe the targeted person is crazy.

This whole exercise is a criminal & terrorist activity. One aspect deals with the gang stalking part of it, which targets experience to varying degrees. This involves stalking by a multitude of individuals both on foot and while you're in the car. Known as "street theatre" by those who experience it, it involves vandalism to house, car and personal property. Gang stalking can also be referred to as cause stalking, vengeance stalking and multi-stalking.

Some people also experience electronic harassment. This is extremely distressing, painful and invasive, and feels like one's mind and body is undergoing constant rape, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The technology used to do this is unknown, but hundreds of victims report the same physical sensations and experiences. Many take their lives in an attempt to escape the horror. It is so distressing that only fellow targets can really understand what another target is experiencing.

In either case, the attacks are so well orchestrated that only the victim is aware of them. This is intentional, and it appears that these groups have perfected these techniques over many years. Mistakes are rarely made, and clearly the perpetrators are successful at what they do, since new targets are completely bewildered as to what is happening to them, having never heard a peep out of the media about such occurrences (except in relation to mental illness). Their actions are based on many of the same tactics as those employed in ritual abuse, and are designed to weaken the target's mind and perpetrators are becoming increasingly addicted to this game of predator/prey, always needing more targets to satisfy their unending thirst for a thrill.

"Electronic harassment" or e-harassment is a catch-all term used to describe a group of circumstances which a large number of people are currently experiencing in common. In general, this term refers to the use of electronic technology to view, track and/or harass a person from a distance. Whether this is done by satellite, land based systems or locally (i.e. by neighbors) is largely personal opinion. There is no definitive proof that would allow any of the present victims to launch a court case, but the numbers of victims and the commonality of experience speaks for itself.

The technology involves the use of electromagnetic waves of various frequencies to achieve different results. Some frequencies will make a person tired, while others may cause confusion or memory loss. With the rapid increase in cell phone usage, many experiments have been conducted on the detrimental effects of those particular frequencies on animals. The results indicate that the invisible e.m. signals from cell towers can cause a wide range of physical ailments. If that is the case with the relatively narrow range of cell phone frequencies, it is even more likely the case with the frequencies which may be used to cause direct, intentional harm to a person.

Electronic harassment is sometimes referred to as "psychotronics", but would more accurately be described as "criminal psychotronics".

Types of Weapons:

Electromagnetic Weapons
Microwave Weapons
Non-Lethal Weapons
ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) Weapons
Directed Energy Weapons
Acoustic Weapons
Psychotronic Weapons
RF (Radio Frequency) Weapons
Soft Kill Weapons
Less-Than-Lethal Weapons

Acknowledgements: t /

Psychotronic - The Indian Scenario

[Click on images for enlargement]

Zbigniew Brzezinski

Zbigniew Brzezinski

Editor's note: When this is published, Senator Barack Obama is running for President of the United States. His 'handler' and big supporter is Zbigniew Brzezinski, once the National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter. This man is a big guy Illuminati, working closely with David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger. The below sequence is a "prediction' from this man, and remember, HE is the one behind Barack Obama. God help us! Wes Penre,

As early as 1970, Zbigniew Brzezinski, later National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter, predicted a "more controlled and directed society" would gradually appear, linked to technology. This society would be dominated by an elite group which impresses voters by allegedly superior scientific know- how. Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control. Technical and scientific momentum would then feed on the situation it exploits, Brzezinski predicted. [1]

Please visit Deb Chakraborty's website and read about how he was/is subjected to psychotronic torture. There is also a petition on the website you can sign to support him.



Make a comment and have it posted here! Write me an email and put the same title in your email subject line as name of the article you want to comment on. Wes Penre.

Wes Penre

Wes Penre is a researcher, journalist, the owner of the domains Illuminati News and Zionist Watch and is the publisher of the same. He has been researching Globalization and the New World Order and exposed the big players behind the scenes for more than a decade now. He has published his research on the Internet at the above domains, which are currently updated to keep people informed what is going on. You can also find his articles linked up, discussed and republished all over the Internet.

In addition, he has done spiritual research to present a solution to the problems of this world. His MySpace website address is: You can also visit his blog and make comments at - Click on the picture to orderRESIST THE NEW WORLD ORDER

This page may contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. I am making such material available in my efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.

New Website!

Wes Penre

Welcome to!
- Under the section "The Illuminati" I have put the sub-section "Zionism and Judaism" as the top sub-section on purpose due to that these are the top Illuminati Elite. 
As of late, I have stumbled upon a whole lot of information on this subject and it is way too much to post here at Illuminati News. The Zionism and Judaism section would be way too long.

 Therefore, I decided to publish a second website, which I called Zionist-Watch. It is up and running as I write this. -
- by Wes Penre, Jan 03, 2008-

Saturday, August 5, 2017

The Risk of Heart Disease – A Major Risk

As par internet sources , Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading cause of deaths in the world and 17.3 million of deaths/yr are getting caused due to this particular disease . This figure is staggering and might even grow upto about 23.6 million, by the year 2030. Roughly 787,000 people in the U.S. itself died from heart disease,heart stroke and other cardiovascular diseases in 2011. Back in India too, the statistics is alarming. Every one person out of the whole population is getting affected by heart attack in about every 33 seconds in India.

So, no other organ in the body is as important as the heart. In fact, heart is more important than brain. It is the heart’s duty to pump blood (inc. oxygen and nutrients), to all the tissues of the body,including brain. If this pumping fails, vital organs like the brain and kidneys will suffer. And if the heart stops working altogether, death can occur within minutes. It's true, that life itself is completely dependent on the efficient operation of the heart.This is what makes heart disease such a serious matter.

Cardiovascular disease refers to a class of diseases that involve the heart and/or blood vessels (e.g. arteries). The main types of CVD in Australia are coronary artery disease, stroke and heart failure/cardiomyopathy, but less common forms include rheumatic and congenital heart disease.

Cardiovascular ailment alludes to a class of infections that include the heart or potentially veins (e.g. supply routes). The primary kinds of CVD in Australia are coronary supply route sickness, stroke and heart disappointment/cardiomyopathy, however less regular structures incorporate rheumatic and inborn coronary illness.

CVD is usually identified with atherosclerosis, a procedure whereby greasy stores ('plaques') shape in your supply routes, making them limit and conceivably square totally. At the point when atherosclerosis influences the significant supply routes in the body it can cause a heart assault, stroke or fringe blood vessel sickness. By perceiving the notice signs and manifestations and looking for medicinal care instantly, you might have the capacity to turn away or diminish the seriousness of a heart assault or stroke.

According to the World Heart Federation, there are five modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease.Those include high blood pressure, obesity, tobacco use, high cholesterol and lack of physical activity,  Additional risk factors include diabetes, advancing age, family history and gender.

The risk factors for causing deaths by cardiovascular disease is mainly high blood pressure and daily stress and tension . Stress and tension in your daily life eats you up inside and can easily cause heart and diabetes related problems .13% of all global deaths are caused by cardiovascular diseases resulting from high blood pressure actually , according to the World Heart Federation. The next risk factor is tobacco use, which accounts for 9 %  deaths from cardiovascular disease(CVD) . High levels of blood glucose content, often due to diabetes, tied with lifestyle related problems and inactivity account for an additional 6% of global deaths due to cardiovascular disease. Obesity accounts for 5% of CVD  disease-related deaths.

But heart disease can be prevented if early measures are taken .. It can be prevented through balanced diets, exercise and all through lifestyle changes . Advanced medicines are also available to take care of heart diseases .. So, equipped with such knowledge and advice from health practitioners we can combat with this major risk. Otherwise it will be too late for us ..

Friday, August 4, 2017

MOBILE UX Design - Tips to Create User Friendly Application

The use of mobile and mobile technology is growing rapidly in this world. With new and new areas opening up for computerized applications ( be it banking, commercial , financial or others ), the use of Mobile apps are rampant ..Now to get your target audience moving you need to build the application keeping in mind about the use need, taste, ease and reliability . So the user interface design demands special care and consideration . To make the app user friendly and attractive is the goal of the developer .For doing this here are some tips to consider  that you might found helpful .

Tips for Design
·         Remain innovative with Clear Presentation style - Design Counts the most - A de-cluttered, interface with restricted palette of colors is advisable .
·         Remain committed to Security ,
·         Make it compatible with all kinds of devices (Cover your platforms )
·         Avoid design mistakes
·         Objective should be to empower people and to ease his living
·         Offline experience also needs to be good as it's a question of network bandwidth and availability of internet /usage of internet ..
·         Be creative .
·         Maintain the conventional signs
·         Personalize the effects.
·         You can also download NOW UI Kit — a beautiful new kit for Photoshop and Sketch.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Say No To Mass Surveillance Technology

Have you seen the Movie The Net? Remember how scary it was an existence in the modern day world, without something called "privacy" ? Yes, indeed,.. it is "privacy" that is so much required in modern day digital world, that runs civilization on computers for all daily use, including financial matters, life & living matters ... In fact privacy is indeed something that defines a man and his dignified existence in the world ..Business and  Office also gets run on confidential matters, and intellectual property matters that are so variably the key for both personal and professional success ..  

But Mass Surveillance Technology takes away that very key factor in human life , and it is considered as illegal violation to life and liberty ..  And hence the world must be very concerned about it ..  

Mass Surveillance Tech (run with the help of The Electronic Brain Linking & Remote Neural Monitoring technology) as it exists today in US , is done with the help of advanced knowledge in Neuro-Science and Defense technology , where every human organ (inc. the brain ) is treated as bio-physically mediated electromagnetic systems , that emits different electromagnetic waves and frequencies , that can be mimicked , resonated and altered  through outside electro-magnetic waves generated through Hi-power Psychotrons and Magnetrons , and controlled through Supercomputers ... Mind Control is also done with the help of the same principles, that takes away the body privacy and the brain privacy of an individual and manipulates or debilitates any organ (inc. brain) as per the operators whims and frills ...

Actually just from common sense, we can say that , I can't allow any person(inc. Police and all) inside my house all the time , and let my life and all be determined as par their whims and frills, likes and dislikes, vested interest , temperament and all . It matters 100 times if I am talking about brain and body invasion with same kind of things in the face of dangerous weapons (psychotronic, microwave  and others, pointing right at you always ...It's like living inside a terror and telling a  horror to me ..It's an impossibility for a person who knows and understand the real thing .. 

SAR(specific Absorption rate) Specification could have been a guideline for commercialization and applications in human life for such technology, like microwave and mobile and all, and that’s why we are using such instruments in our life  .. But remote application of this kind  is no way guaranteed and no way permitted for any non-consensual use ..

The human brain can be seen as "Software" that runs the body (the hardware) ..So if you can hijack the Brain Software , you can make the body do anything to serve your purpose; and make the human beings act as robots or slaves and puppets of the “masters” ..(a few wealthy and rich person or group) ...This encourages criminal slavery that is banned Internationally .. 

So, please be aware people... You don’t want to succumb to the whims and frills of a few perverted corrupt devils , and their pet criminals, in the name of getting ruled .. This is no good obedience that you are showing to the Fundamental Rights and Laws of a human existence and civilization or society in general ..It’s way too illegal and criminal an act that can’t be tolerated for any free and fare existence, that will provide us with a good security, safety and protection ..

Please see How The NSA Harasses Thousands Of Law Abiding Americans Daily By The Usage Of Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM)

Also, Appointed as director of the electronic surveillance project, in 1991 Julianne authored the publication "Microwave Harassment and Mind Control Experimentation", still recognized today as one of the most authoritative documents on the subject.

Within the interview, Julianne McKinney makes the frightening observation that the ultimate objective may be "to control and choreograph those who are involved in these harassment operations on the dispensing end. And it would appear that those being targeted are simply objects, whom I see as ultimately being disposable. In other words, I think that once full control is established over a major percentage of the population, and enough of the population is silenced and unwilling to stick their necks out, we would inevitably be heading towards a HOLOCAUST."

Read more at 

and for her views on it ..

So, say no to this kind of technology saying:-

  1. Civilization is not about the naked existence of some animals on the road ( as you have no body (inc. brain) privacy or even organ protection in here, with such tech) , where anyone can be done anything and everything upon, and  even with any false excuse  ..  
  2. We are forced to exist  in a blindfolded and terrored condition for24* 7 where our life , living and livelihood performances are affected very much , thereby reducing our quality, values and worth of it ..
  3. Both Privacy wise and health wise , it is way too damaging and criminal , and hence can’t be conceived of or tolerated ..
  4. The potential and the effect of the technology is deadly and devastating as has been proven enough through research evidence and through statistical  evidence or historical evidence ..
  5. Freedom of life and thought is an international right for years ,and protection of life & liberty is the Constitutional right for almost all countries anyway .. Hence it automatically becomes an international norms violation and constitutional abuse to say the least  ...
  6. There is no safety , security and protection in this way , that can make us peacefully exist in this world ...We can’t sacrifice essential things like privacy and safety in this way ..

Please see the following petition in this regard Stand Against Mass Spying